Sunday, August 28, 2016

Starting the Semester

Starting the Semester
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Here are some of my favorite start of school tips!

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(Personal Photo; Taken of Bizzell Memorial Library at
The Univeristy of Oklahoma)

Write everything down.

While this tip may not be for everyone, gaining this habit once I started university has helped me stay organized. Whether its in my planner or just on a notecard, I write down any and all assignments, small goals and/or tasks I need to complete for that day or week. Working 30 hours a week, going to school full time and applying for grad school means I don't really have a lot of breathing room when scheduling out my days so writing it all down compartmentalizes all my tasks and takes away unnecessary stress. Also it just acts as a subtle reminder to get stuff done even if its not done the exact time you had planned it to be. 

Pre-pack the night before.

Like earlier this may not apply to everyone but I still believe its a great tip nonetheless. One thing I've learned about myself is that I like to relax in the mornings, its usually the time I workout, get ready and relax a bit. So pre-packing my backpack, homework, lunch, etc. the night before I take out any last minute rush or forgetfulness and can get myself in the right mind before going the whole day. This is especially helpful with pre-packing any homework because it forces me to not leave assignments for the morning. 

Scheduling free days. 

My last but most vital tip is scheduling out free days. I try and have at least one day a week where I do not have class or work that day. Now that doesn't mean I don't do homework and just laze around all day, rather I let that day be a day that I can work on a big project at my own pace or work harder during the week to make it a day just for fun. It, of course doesn't work out every single week but striving for it makes it a priority and helps me plan my week out better. This one is really important to me because burnout is a thing that happens to everyone and it usually sneaks up on people so by allowing a day of whatever I want to do I keep my sanity in check. 


  1. I should really learn to pre-pack the night before. Too many times I wake up right before I need to leave and find myself scrambling to find everything I need. A couple times last year, I found myself unpacking my backpack in the library to find I had forgotten my laptop charger at home. Of course my laptop was also dead.

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  3. I think writing down everything is very important as well. I thought that I could make it without writing things down, after the first week of school my brain is mush so I defiantly agree with writing things down. I also don't pack the night before but that is a good tip I will take under consideration! I never plan free days throughout my weeks, it just seems like I never have enough time to actually set a day aside for free time.
