Sunday, August 28, 2016

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset
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(Quote graphic of David Dockterman
via David W. Lowell at Twitter)
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Even though I was familiar with the concept of growth mindset, I don't think I have ever heard of Carol Dweck before this assignment. I had originally learned about growth mindset in my high school AP psych class.

When it comes to school work, my stance on the spectrum is based on how interested in the subject I am. If I am even just fairly interested in the subject I am in complete growth mindset because I just want to soak up all the information I can so that transfers into any work I am actually graded on. On the other hand, if its a class or a subject I cannot be even slightly interested in, I am very much fixed mindset because I do not think of it as a learning journey but more of a pass or fail obstacle. 

In almost every other aspect, in my life I tend to be catered to the growth mindset side. Granted there are instances where I retreat into fixed mindset if I come across something that might be new to me but I feel as though I should be instantly good at. For example, because I work out and have danced all my life any physical activity comes to me easy enough so when I don't immediately catch on I have a tendency to sit in a fixed mindset for a bit. 

I've realized that I am a really curious person, almost to a fault. Because I want to stick my hand in so many pots I tend overwhelm myself. I don't really have a problem seeing things through, as in I can start things and still see them through. It is more like I put everything at the same priority level so I get overwhelm when I don't complete them in the time frame I wanted. 

Therefore I don't really have a lot of difficulties when it comes to learning new things. Other than when those new things are of absolutely no interest to me, which very few things can be. 

I would be interested in it but more in the sense of how it affects other people, just because that's how I learn best. If I approach it like a case study I learn better and can apply to myself once I feel like I fully understand.

I am really excited about my Personality and Human Relations class. Every session we've had so far has produced some pretty interesting class discussions and I am curious to see what I learn about myself through this class. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Belle,
    That is interesting that you split yourself up depending on the type in information. I can totally relate to that. I wish I was better at seeing things through! I tend to get distracted when I add too much. I do like to try a bit of everything too so I need to work on deciding what I have time for so I don’t spread myself too thin! I love classes that have interesting and active conversations. I seem to retain a lot more and it makes the time go by so much faster.
