Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Introduction to Me


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Hi! My name is Belle Lamfu and the rest of this post is just a little bit about me!

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I am a Human Relations Major with an International Studies and Psychology Minor. As you can probably tell I like to have my hands in a lot of different pots. I am a really curious person so I cannot help but want to learn about people, probably the single most fascinating thing on earth. 

The best class I took last semester was my Intro to Counseling class because I learned a lot about what kind of work I want to pursue (at least for the time being).

As I already mentioned in my favorite places post, I traveled to Montreal this past summer for two weeks and had the time of my life. I am actually already planning to go back before the year ends.

My favorite tv shows, at the moment, are Sherlock (BBC version), Game of Thrones and Hannibal. But I am really excited for a new show called American Gods, based of the bestseller by Neil Gaiman.

As for music I listen to a lot of foreign music, whether its French, Spanish or Korean.

For the future, all I am completely sure of is that I will be going to graduate school for Industrial Psychology but that is the only real concrete thing so far! 

My hobbies are kind of scattered and come and go depending on the time/mood I am in. But mainly I enjoy painting, working out, learning languages, reading and hanging with my friends. 

Something I really admire in people is confidence and openness. Yet something that really annoys me is being close-minded or being stagnant in any path of life, but thats just personal preference. 

Well I hope you now know a little more about me and feel free to ask me any questions, I am an open book so don't feel burdened!


  1. I am so excited about American Gods also, Belle: that is my favorite Neil Gaiman book. I hope they do a good job with it... it seems like it could really work well as a film, so I am optimistic!

    And what a great combination of studies! Are you interested in narrative therapy? It is a storytelling-based type of therapy where people see themselves as characters in a story, telling a narrative about themselves and learning from other people's stories. It is powerful stuff; here's a Wikipedia article about it: Narrative therapy

    Anyway, it sounds like you will find lots of good things to explore in this class, and I hope you will enjoy it! :-)

  2. Hi Belle,

    First of all – I love your name. I, too, am minoring in International studies! I absolutely love travelling and learning more about people. I also get annoyed when people are being close-minded. I took three semesters of Spanish for my minor so I got to listen to a little bit of foreign music during those classes. Anyways, I am really looking forward to having a constant discussion with you this semester!

  3. Hello, Belle.

    It sounds like you have a great amount of things to do. It must be busy. I have taken an International Studies course for one of my major support requirements, and I learned a great deal about global governance and various international organizations. Like you, graduating is the only concrete thing I have so far too. However, from reading your post, it looks like you will do great in the future.

    I have listened to a few Korean songs too, although my siblings listen to it more. Which group or singer do you like best?

  4. Hi Belle!
    I totally agree that people are incredibly fascinating. One of my favorite things to do is people watch! I love listening to the stories my friends tell me and reading about other people’s lives. I totally understand the feeling of not being sure what you want to do for the rest of your life… It is daunting for sure. I LOVE Game of Thrones. My roommate got me into it and I watched every season in three weeks this summer. My favorite coffee shop in the world plays French music, I should start listening to some! Good luck with everything!

  5. Hey Belle!

    Sherlock is such a good TV show, and I am also pretty excited for American Gods. It's definitely one of the most interesting books I've read. What Francophone artists do you listen to? I have a lot of friends studying Human Relations actually, so it must be a pretty awesome field. I'm glad you enjoy it!

    What graduate school do you want to attend? What would you like to do with your master's once you get it?

  6. Hey Belle!

    I agree that people are so interesting, everyone has a different story! I always see people walking around and wonder where they’re going to next.

    And painting is fun! I go through phases where I’ll paint a lot, and then I won’t touch it for months on end haha. What do you like to paint?

    I also dislike close-minded people, especially when they hurt others because of it.

  7. Hi Belle! I am sure Montreal was awesome and I hope to be able to go there someday. I think it is awesome that you are leaning towards counseling and I commend you since it isn’t always an easy job. My husband also like watching Hannibal and the few episodes I’ve seen look really interesting, plus I like Hugh Dancy (I think that’s his name). I love learning new languages, but I’m not very good at maintaining what I learn. It seems to just go in one ear and then as soon as I have the opportunity to use it, it flies right out the other. I tend to get frustrated with close minded people as well, I love trying new things and trying to understand new ideas, concepts, or people. Hope you enjoy the class!

  8. Hi Belle! That’s so cool that you want to study people. I also think people are interesting, but too confusing for me! It’s also interesting that you primarily listen to foreign music. I’m curious as to whether or not you speak any of the languages you listen to music in? You said you enjoy learning languages. How many do you know?

  9. Hi Belle, I think it is great that you have such a broad variety of skills. I have never been to Montreal before, what did you do while you were there? What makes it your favorite place to go to? I think it is great that you listen to foreign music. I am a country girl but there are some Spanish types that I will also listen to.

  10. Hello! I'm Tisha!

    I love how you're interested in so many different fields! My roommate last year was an international studies major too! Psychology is really fun too, I remember really enjoying the few classes I took in that division. It's awesome that you're able to travel internationally like that! I hope you have tons of fun in your traveling future!

  11. Hi Belle! I loved your introductory post it really gives me and the other readers a glimpse about who you are and what you’re all about. I think it’s really neat that you have a heart for traveling and that you act out on that passion. I also think it is incredibly cool that you value confidence and open-mindedness in other people, I think it is important for people to take those values and traits to heart. Looking forward to reading more of your stories in the future!!

  12. Belle,

    You are the first person I've seen list Canada as their favorite place. I have no idea what Industrial Psychology is, but I am glad you have figured out what you want to do. Once you have the end goal figured out, everything else gets easier.Thanks so much for sharing, and good luck with the rest of the semester.


  13. Hello Belle!

    I connect a lot with the idea that you find people very interesting. I moved into the field of PR for that reason because I have a sales background in work history and want to be able to provide people what they want need. I find your interest in Canada very different, yet intriguing. I went abroad to France and stayed in Vichy for a month. The French there is a bit different, as you know, but I too enjoy French artist in music.

    Best of luck the remainder of the semester.

  14. Hi Belle!
    That's really cool you already know what graduate school you want to end up in. I am jealous. Because, I on the other hand, have no clue what I'm doing when I graduate! Montreal looks gorgeous, I can't wait to visit there myself. Good luck with everything as you finish up undergrad!

  15. Hi Belle!

    I think it's cool that you are so interested in a variety of things. I agree that keeping an open mind is the best way to get the most out of education and life in general. Congrats on going to grad school! Industrial Psychology sounds fascinating. What all does that entail? Will you stay at OU or will you go to a different school for graduate school? I've never been to Montreal but it sounds like a beautiful place to go. I hear that it is very scenic. Anyways, it was fun reading your introduction and a pleasure to meet you! Best of luck on your senior year!

  16. Hey Belle,

    Thanks for sharing some info about yourself, I think psychology is an awesome major to have. I love talking to people and trying to understand people and their tendencies and try to help. I'm also a huge Game of Thrones fan, I haven't watched Sherlock or Hannibal yet but they're on my list of shows to watch. Ive also never heard of American Gods, but I just googled it and looks pretty interesting. Hope you enjoy your senior year and its been awesome to get to know a little more about you!

  17. Ah, wow, I bet Montreal was amazing—especially if you’ve already made plans to go back. The only thing I know about it is that it includes the Underground City, which is definitely on my bucket list of places to go someday. Also, yes, Sherlock is amazing! My sister and I are dying for the next season and more Moriarty, along with what seems like half the population of the internet, haha. Hannibal has been on my to-watch list for forever, and I’m actually in the process of reading American Gods right now (so it looks like there’s going to be a lot of Bryan Fuller TV in my future, ha). Good luck with grad school, and I hope you enjoy your next trip to Montreal!

  18. Hey Belle! I know you are minoring in psychology, but it's great to see another person studying psychology in our class! Usually you see, PR majors, I have only read about two other psych majors. It's great that you get to travel! I love traveling too. I've been to a few countries in South American and Caribbean but the only country I've been in Europe is Italy. It was beautiful. Anyway, hope you have a great semester!

  19. Wow! I am admired your passion in learning more about people and the relationship between people. I have to agree that human is the most fascinating and complicate species. I surprised that you enjoy learning a new language because I know learning a new language is not easy. Hope your semester will go well and good luck in your pursue of a higher degree!

  20. Hi Belle,

    What exactly is Industrial Psychology? I have never heard of that before, but whatever it is it sounds really intense. I completely agree with you when it comes to open-mindedness and confidence. They are super great assets to have and they are rather infectious too.

  21. Hey Belle, so good to meet you! I picked your blog for extra commenting based solely off my love for Beauty and the Beast. Your background and blog set up are really pretty. You sound like a very driven person, and I agree with you. I cannot stand for people to be stagnant. I feel we should always be working towards something. That may not be entirely what you meant, but I think that is kind of what you were getting at.

  22. Nice to finally meet you Belle! Your name is so pretty and unique I love it! I’m also really excited about American Gods, I love everything by Neil Gaiman. He’s a great writer. Who doesn’t love Benedict Cumberbatch? He’s just gahh…Not to mention he is a great actor and well the show is just great over all. I like the fact you are interested in so many things it keeps things from being monotonous. I’m also the same way.

  23. Hi Belle!

    I can’t believe I haven’t visited your blog before! I’ve been to Montreal before and it’s so beautiful. I definitely understand why it’s your favorite place. Your introduction post is so fun, I love that you welcome people to ask you questions. So fun! Hope you had a wonderful semester and an even better winter break!
