Monday, November 14, 2016

Tech Tip: Google Timer

Tech Tip: Google Timer
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       This tip was a interesting one for me, in learning how to do it and testing it out. Usually, I would describe myself as a person who enjoys working under pressure. Not only do I feel like I work best, because I am required to be concise instead of indulging my want to elaborate, but I also just enjoy pressure to a certain extent. The downside of this leads to procrastination more often times than not, which is why I thought the timer might recreate that feeling but allow me to get it done earlier.
        Setting it up was easy enough, following the instructions laid out by Professor Gibbs, but the real test was to see if my idea held up. I tried it out Friday before class and ultimately, I think my strong sense of laziness prevailed. Rather than encourage me to get it done, my anxiety by constantly checking where I was on the timer lead me to want to give up all together than be slightly late on the timer. I definitely will still try this timer idea out until I can break this dangerous habit but as far as first tries go, this one was a failure on my part.
      Nonetheless, I would recommend for others to try this out if they have a knack for working under pressure, the timer does do a good job of recreating that sense of urgency other people like me enjoy. I would just be careful with the expectations you put on yourself with each timer you set. Don't push too far or you might be prone to just giving up instead of prevailing. Overall, I think this is a neat tech tip that may need some more toying with for me but could be immediately great for others!

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  1. I like using this google timer too, but it does give me pressure when using for class work. I also found it useful when I need to get thing done on time. I also use it for timing other activities like baking and cooking. I also chose to do a tech tip on this topic. I found it useful too.

  2. It seems like the google timer is a big hit for a lot of people when it comes to introducing a Tech Tip. I always like to look at everyone's in order to see what other people use and find helpful. I think the timer is an awesome addition for people who aren't able to remain focused, but I find it to actually be more distracting that helpful. I will consistently be looking at the clock count down/up and not gain anything while writing/reading.
