Monday, November 7, 2016

Tech Tip: Canvas Notifications

Tech Tip: Canvas Notifications
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(OU Canvas graphic for OU Insight website)
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       This tip was really helpful for me in particular because admittedly, I think about this class last in my to do list that is ever growing as a senior. This course is also the only course I have that utilizes Canvas so there is a strong element of forgetfulness since I normally just check D2L. By learning how to set up notifications other than the reminders sent out by the instructor, I have added in an extra wall in defense of forgetfulness. 
       Another helpful aspect of setting up one's Canvas notifications is that it keeps me accountable. If I make the bad decision of relaxing with Netflix instead of doing the work that is due that night I get an extra reminder at 7 am through email to wake up and do all work within the grace period. Although, notifications do not combat against some of my bad habits or crazy class/work schedule the extra help does not hurt! 
      Even though we are nearing the end of the semester and most students are already on the right track assignment wise, I know that because of its online aspect this class will, unfortunately, be left not prioritized. By setting up notifications, it keeps this course in one's mind and high on the priority list or at the very least gives the student a nagging sensation until the assignment is completed. I really recommend students use this feature for this course and any upcoming classes they may have. You never know, one notification might just save your grade! 

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