Friday, September 16, 2016

Feedback Focus

Feedback Focus
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(Open Books in a Library)
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Q: How would you rank the three strategies in terms of their usefulness to you?
A: For me, I think the best technique was the third, Use a Timer. I often have so many things going on that I do not realize that I am not 100% focused on the task at hand. The other two techniques are not really my style as I do not like stopping in the middle of the story unless I am absolutely compelled to (I'd rather highlight as I go) and reading aloud kind of takes me out of the story. 

Q:Were you surprised by the way these different strategies affected your reading?
A: The one that was most surprising was the reading aloud technique. I thought because of my background in theatre/public speaking I would immediately get really into it. But instead the opposite happened, I lagged and had to reread more than usual. 

Q: For each strategy, what would you say is its biggest advantage? And its biggest disadvantage?
A: The biggest advantage/disadvantage for Reading Aloud is the higher attention to detail but that's offset by the longer it takes to get through the story.
     The biggest advantage/disadvantage for Copy and Delete is having focused feedback already set but one might lose the flow of story when consistently stopping.  
     The biggest advantage/disadvantage for Use a Timer is the keen attention one pays when only focused on reading but a downfall might be the inevitability of not adhering to the timer thus losing its advantage.  

Q: Would you try any of these strategies in the future?
A: I will definitely have to play around with the Use a Timer technique not just in reading but in all areas of my studies. 

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